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You’re on a mission to make the world a safer and kinder place for animals. You understand that helping animals can help people too. Let’s join forces.

Animal Grantmakers is philanthropy’s leading affinity group for animal funders. Our members—foundations, public charities, corporate giving programs, individuals, and other philanthropists—work individually and collectively on domestic and global issues affecting all types of animals. Together, we envision a safer and kinder world for animals—and a better and more sustainable future for us all.

As a member of Animal Grantmakers, you’ll receive two complimentary registrations to our Annual Conference and access to past conference sessions on demand.

We invite you to sample two popular sessions from our 2022 conference, including a panel on how COVID-19 changed the way animal shelters care for and support animals and their people, and a TED-style talk about the important life lesson a young girl learned from her dog.

How COVID-19 Transformed Animal Shelter Operations and Inspired the Formation of Human Animal Support Services

Leaders from three California shelters share the changes they’ve implemented in their organizations to follow this new community-centric model of animal sheltering, and how those changes better meet the needs of animals and people where they live.

How a Dog Named Sylvester Taught Me the Most Important Lesson in Life

Humanity is at a critical juncture, with ever-increasing threats to our lives, health, and wellbeing, but a lesson Dr. Aysha Akhtar, co-founder, president, and CEO of the Center for Contemporary Sciences, learned as a kid might just be the way to a better future for everyone.

About us   →

Membership in Animal Grantmakers is open to foundations, other grantmaking organizations, giving programs, and individuals that are committed to tackling domestic and global issues affecting all types of animals. Animal Grantmakers now offers both regular and associate memberships.

At Animal Grantmakers, we believe that helping animals also has a profound positive impact on people. Join us in our mission to make a difference in the lives of animals and the world we all share.

Animal Philanthropy →

Featuring news, animal funder profiles, research, insights, commentary, and more, our magazine on philanthropy knowledge hub Giving Compass – Animal Philanthropy – aims to inspire greater curiosity about the other sentient beings who share our planet, and increased investment in their protection and welfare.

Animal Funding Atlas →

Learn about this interactive grants mapping tool created to facilitate collaboration and strategic grantmaking for animal-related funders.

Resources  →

Explore a wealth of resources for grantmakers and grantseekers, as well as animal protection resources, available to the public through Animal Grantmakers. Many more resources, timely research of practical interest to animal protection funders, discounts on industry products and services, and more are available exclusively for members in the members-only area of the website.

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