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Resources for Grantmakers

Are you a grantmaker looking for some pointers? Check out these resources.

NEW: Animal Philanthropy in the United States

This new report for Animal Grantmakers' 25th anniversary chronicles the organization's journey and achievements, and paints an optimistic picture of the future of animal philanthropy in the United States. Written by Andrew N. Rowan, DPhil, a founding member of Animal Grantmakers, this special report serves as a testament to the persistence of individuals and foundations dedicated to animal welfare, and highlights the significant impact of collective action in driving positive change for animals and people.

Information Hubs

Supports and promotes excellence in board service by providing resources and information related to nonprofit boards.

Center for Effective Philanthropy
Provides data and analysis helping philanthropic funders to better define, assess, and improve their effectiveness and intended impact.

Maintains database of U.S. and global grantmakers/grants; operates research, education, and training programs. Candid is the result of the February 2019 merger between the Foundation Center and GuideStar; GuideStar still has its own, separate website (see immediately below).

Gathers and publicizes information about nonprofit organizations, including 990 forms. It is part of Candid, but still has its own website.

National Center for Charitable Statistics (NCSS)
National clearinghouse of data on the U.S. nonprofit sector.

Membership Associations for Funders

Communications Network
A peer-driven community of foundation and nonprofit communications professionals who share ideas, evidence, and lessons about how smart communications improve lives.

Council on Foundations
A membership association of grantmaking foundations and corporations.

Emerging Practitioners in Philanthropy (EPIP)
Empowers emerging leaders and elevates philanthropic practice in order to build a more just, equitable, and sustainable world.

Exponent Philanthropy (formerly Association of Small Foundations)
Association of funders dedicated to serving foundations with few or no staff, philanthropic families, and individual donors.

Grantmakers for Effective Organizations
Promotes strategies and practices for grantmakers that contribute to grantee success.

National Center for Family Philanthropy
Provides resources, expertise, and support families need to transform their values into effective giving that makes a lasting impact on the communities they serve.

PEAK Grantmaking (formerly Grants Managers Network)
Member-led organization of, by, and for grantmakers advancing knowledge, learning, and collaboration among grantmaking professionals and institutions.

United Philanthropy Forum (formerly Forum of Regional Associations of Grantmakers)
A network of regional and national philanthropy-serving organizations working to advance, inform, and support philanthropy. Animal Grantmakers is a member of the Forum.

Relevant Periodicals

The Chronicle of Philanthropy
News source for grantmakers, nonprofit leaders, and others involved in philanthropy.

Inside Philanthropy

A powerful online resource for donors, foundation staff, consultants, and others in the philanthropic sector.

Stanford Social Innovation Review
Stanford University-based magazine and website covering cross-sector solutions to global problems written by and for social change leaders from around the world.

Many more helpful resources and timely research into subjects of interest to funders of animal protection programs are available exclusively for members of Animal Grantmakers in the members-only area of the website.

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